Friday, May 20, 2016

10 Ways to Increase AdSense CPC Legally

When you place AdSense blocks on your web pages and blogs, you get paid a percentage of what advertisers pay Google. Currently this is 68% of the bid price for that advert. So if somebody is paying Google $2 for every click on a specific advert for a specific keyword, then you get $1.36 every time a visitor to your site clicks on that advert if Google has placed it on your page.

What you have to do is to do your best to maximize the CPC price, so that the adverts on your web pages and blog posts make you most money every time a visitor clicks on them. This involves getting Google to place the highest possible value adverts on your pages. You cannot decide the PPC of the published ads yourself , Google decides that based on several aspects of your web page/blog page/blog post.
There are two factors involved here: the CPC and CTR (Click Through Rate) the latter is the ratio of visitors who actually click on an advert rather than just read the page content and ignore the ads. A high CTR is often better than a high CPC.

Thus, if you get a CTR of 2% with adverts with a CPC of $0.75 (2 visitors in each 100 click on an advert), then that is better than a CTR of 1% with adverts with a CPC of $1.20. With the former, each 1,000 visits will make you $10.20 (68% of $15) while with the latter you would make only $8.16. So CTR matters, not just earnings per click. It’s how many that click that often makes your money, not always the cost of each click.

These are examples only, and your income per 1,000 visitors will depend upon the relevance of the AdSense ads to your visitors and where the adverts are situated on your site. There is also a lot you can do to improve CTR, but let’s first focus on how you can attract the best paying adverts: those with the highest CPC.

1. Get Quality Traffic

This is out #1 Tip on how to increase AdSense CPC. Many leave it till last or do not even mention it at all. It is my view that if your visitors are not properly focused on your niche, then they will not click on adverts appertaining to it. You must make sure that your traffic is seeking what you are advertising.
Many people use AdSense on their sites in the assumption that Google will provide relevant advertising. As you will learn shortly, this is true. However, while you might believe wrongly that your CPC will not change because of a failure to achieve this relevancy to your page, your CTR certainly will. Few will click on an advert not related to the keyword or phrase they used to get to your site.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The best colon cleanse foods

A healthy gut is the foundation of a healthy body. Unfortunately many of us feel less than vibrant and vital and struggle with digestive issues or food sensitivities and a tendency to catch every cold that pass us by. Interestingly about 70% of the cells that make up our immune system are in the wall of our gut. Yet a sluggish digestion, poor diet, stress (a big trouble maker!), environmental toxins and food toxins can really take it's toll.
That's when it's time to clean up your act and lighten the load on your system. Making sure to include some gut-cleansing herbs to your diet along with the following gut-cleansing foods can really help boost the cleaning of the gut. The hope is that all this will indeed flush the colon of any toxic build-up, help you lose weight, improve digestive function and re-energize you.

9 Ways to Prevent Acne

Do you suffer from acne breakouts? If so, you’ve probably spent countless dollars on acne creams and gels that promise to help clear your skin. The bad news is you’re probably wasting your money. The good news is, there are ways to prevent future breakouts that won’t cost you a penny.
Acne breakouts often occur because of changes you’ve made to your daily routine. Maybe you’ve started using a different laundry detergent, shampoo, face cream or soap. These are often the biggest culprits of an acne breakout. If you want to keep your skin clear and radiant, avoid breakouts by following these 9 simple tips:

1.Keep your face clean
 Whether or not you have acne, it's important to wash your face twice daily to remove impurities, dead skin cells, and extra oil from your skin's surface. Washing more often than twice daily is not necessarily better; it may do more harm than good. Use warm, not hot, water and a mild facial cleanser. Using a harsh soap (like deodorant body soap) can hurt the already inflamed skin and cause more irritation.
Avoid scrubbing your skin harshly with a washcloth, an exfoliating glove, or loofah (a coarse-textured sponge). Gently wash it with a washcloth or a very soft cloth. Always rinse well, and then dry your face with a clean towel. (Toss the towel in the laundry hamper, as dirty towels spread bacteria.) Also, use the washcloth only once before washing.

2. Moisturize
  Many acne products contain ingredients that dry the skin, so always use a moisturizer that minimizes dryness and skin peeling. Look for "noncomedogenic" on the label, which means it should not cause acne. There are moisturizers made for oily, dry, or combination skin.

10 Effects of Fast Food on the Body

How often have you passed that vada pav stand and craved for one yummy bite of that delicious treat? But if vada pav is not your thing, how about when you pass a place serving burgers, wraps or maybe samosa? Feel that craving? Well, all these treats are called junk food. As per the dictionary meaning of junk food, it is considered something useless, extra or something that is not needed. Not only are those foods extremely unhealthy, they also impacts various aspects of your life. Here’s how.

1. It can cause type 2 diabetes
 One of major contributing factors for the emerging diabetes epidemic is unhealthy diet full of junk and fast food. When you eat a healthy diet, your body gets a steady supply of glucose, which helps maintain insulin sensitivity. On the other hand, when you eat only junk food, the excessive stress exerted on your metabolism affects the ability of your body to use insulin properly. Since junk food lacks fibre content, its consumption directly results in a spike in sugar levels. Further, junk food consumption leads to obesity, one of the main reasons for insulin resistance and development of diabetes.

How to Create New Partition on a Windows 7 Hard Disk

 Hello guy, I will show you on how to create new partition is sound really difficult, but now I will show you the easy way to create a new partition on your disk, so please follow my steps:

  1. Open the Disk Management console by typing diskmgmt.msc at an elevated command prompt.

  2. In Disk Management’s Graphical view, right-click an unallocated or free area, and then click New Simple Volume. This starts the New Simple Volume Wizard. (Note: If you need to create unallocated space.

  3. Read the Welcome page and then click Next.
  4. The Specify Volume Size page specifies the minimum and maximum size for the volume in megabytes and lets you size the volume within these limits. Size the partition in megabytes using the Simple Volume Size field and then click Next.

How To Get Rid of Back Acne with 8 Tips
Bacne, a combination of "back" and "acne," is almost as common as it is annoying. Pre-pubescent teens and adults alike who suffer from bacne understand that it's a whole different can of worms to deal with than pimples that show up on your face. Still, because bacne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands on the back, it shares some treatment similarities with other forms of acne vulgaris.
 1. Wear a clean bra
  If you wear a bra, it is extremely important it should be clean. Try to wear a fresh one each day. Your straps should be tight enough so as they do not rub against the acne when you move, which irritates it. If possible, wear a strapless bra as this reduces redness on your shoulder blades.

2. Wear breathable, clean, loose clothes
 Ensure any material touching your back is clean and, if possible, made of primarily natural fibers such as cotton. Try to avoid tight-fitting clothing. Finally, the clothes should be laundered regularly--preferably after each wearing.
  • Try to wash clothes in a gentle detergent with minimal or no scent. Acne can be caused or worsened by overly harsh or highly perfumed detergents.
  • If possible, bleach your whites. Bleach kills any lingering bacteria on your clothing and impedes acne growth. Be sure to rinse completely to prevent the bleach from irritating your skin chemically.

How to Prevent Water Pollution With 12 Ways

Water Pollution refer to the presence of harmful substances or pollutants in water bodies. It happens when untreated wastes and pollutants are discharged into water bodies. As a result, the water of sea, rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoir, and ground-water get polluted.
The water pollutants are discharged both directly and directly. Though, human acts are mostly responsible for water pollution, sometimes water may get polluted for reasons beyond human control such as volcanic eruptions, soil erosion, natural mixing of mineral-oils at sea,  etc.
Water pollution may disrupt human life to a great extent. It is highly important to take steps forward to prevent water pollution.

Prevention of Water Pollution

Here are the top 12 ways to Prevent Water Pollution.

1. Sewage treatments
  The household water should be treated properly so that they become environmentally safe. Adequate care should be taken to ensure that effective sewage treatment process is in place and that contaminated water does not get mixed with the environment. in order to prevent water pollution, human and animal excreta should be prevented from mixing with its sources. Construction of pit toilet and proper sewage treatments can offer some solution to this problem.
2. Prevent river water to get polluted
  The flowing water of the river cannot be cleaned easily by natural process. Since, a large number of external substances are discharged into the water, the river water becomes polluted. This may cause diseases to the people using river water. Thus, every effort should be made to prevent the river water to get contaminated. People should not be allowed to throw wastes into the river water.

7 Important Rolls of Vitamin B12

It’s estimated nearly 40% of the American population suffers from B12 levels that are too low. With low B12 levels, your brain doesn’t work quite right and more often than not you’re suffering from chronic fatigue. But vitamin B12 does more than just support healthy energy levels. Its multiplexity of functionality is mirrored in its wide range of health benefits. The question is, are you getting enough?

The Seven Most Important Functions of Vitamin B12

Many people receive vitamin B12 injections on a regular basis to provide a boost in their energy levels. While it’s true that B12 does support energy, that’s not the entire picture. Here’s 7 functions of vitamin B12 and why you need this crucial nutrient.

1. Supports Energy

Vitamin B12 plays a key role in how your body creates energy. It keeps your cells fed, happy, and healthy. Without it, your cells get hungry and you feel weak, tired, and like you’re dragging all the time. The nutrient releases energy into the cell and provides you with the appropriate balance you need for thinking and moving throughout your day.

8 Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath

There are many reasons to cover up bad breath (halitosis), but if you're tired of quick fixes and want to get rid of halitosis once and for all, take these instructions to heart... or should we say, mouth?

1. Brush your teeth regularly
  Two major sources of mouth odor are bacteria and decaying food particles. There are hundreds of nooks and crannies in the fertile landscape of your mouth where these offending bits of "rot" can get lodged.
  • Squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto a soft bristled toothbrush, and hold the brush at a 45 degree angle to the gums. Brush your teeth on every surface in short, gentle strokes, being careful not to press too hard or irritate the gums. If done properly, brushing should take about three minutes.
  • Brush your teeth and rinse with mouth wash at least twice a day, and floss at least once a day.
  • Take care to brush all the areas of your mouth, including gums and tongue, and not just your teeth.

9 Ways to Prevent Anemia

Anemia is a medical condition in which healthy red blood cells dip below normal limits. Anemia prevents your body from carrying adequate oxygen to your tissues and can make you feel weak and tired. There are many different kinds of anemia, including iron-deficiency anemia or sickle cell anemia that require different types of treatment. Anyone can get anemia, though women, strict vegans, people with poor diets, and people with chronic diseases are at a higher risk. Depending on the type of anemia, you can prevent and may even be able to cure anemia through diet or by taking supplements.

1. Be aware of your risk
Iron and vitamin deficiency anemia are two of the most common forms of anemia and are caused by either a shortage of iron or Vitamin B12 and folate in your body. Almost any person can get iron or vitamin deficiency anemia, so being aware of your risk can help you prevent it. The following conditions may cause a shortage of iron, vitamin B12, or folate and lead to anemia:

  • Vegans who don't eat animal products or people with a poor diet
  • Excessive blood loss from heavy menstrual bleeding, surgery, or other trauma
  • A gastric ulcer
  • Cancer, especially intestinal cancer
  • Polyps or other diseases, such as or Crohn’s or celiac disease, of the digestive tract
  • Prolonged use of aspirins or NSAIDS
  • Pregnancy
  • Insufficient iron, vitamin B12, or folate consumption in your diet
2. Identify the symptoms of anemia
  The signs of anemia don't show up immediately, or they may be mild. Be aware of these symptoms:
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Numbness or coldness in your hands and feet
  • Low body temperature
  • Pale skin
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Irritability

10 Ways To Prevent Malaria

Going to an exotic destination soon? Have you checked whether the region is a malaria risk area?
Are you aware of the essential tipps on how to prevent malaria?
Find out the top ten ways to avoid getting ill on vacation and make the most of your holidays.

1. Determine your level of risk

Inform yourself about your destination and the risk for getting malaria. Things you should consider are: The time of year you are travelling, the duration of your stay, the activities you plan to do and where you will be staying. The risk for an infection can vary considerably, even within a single country. Successful malaria prophylaxis depends on your knowledge - make sure you are in the know before you go.

2. Stay in well-screened areas at night

Avoid sleeping outside or in the vicinity of areas where mosquitoes like to live, e.g. standing water (tyres, lakes, waste dumps). If you are sleeping in a tent, make sure that there are no holes anywhere and keep the door closed at all times. These may be very basic rules, but they can significantly increase the success of your malaria prevention effort.

How to Partition a Hard Drive in Windows 10

Now I really want to share knowledge to everyone about how to partition a Hard Drive in windows.  
It sounds very difficult for users to partition hard drive, but don't worry, Windows 10 Disk Management tool and third-party free partition software like AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard will help you partition hard drive easily and safely.

Before you do

If the hard drive of your Windows 10 is MBR, please make sure how many partitions have been on hard drive? Due to MBR disk only supports maximum 3 primary partitions plus 1 extended partition or 4 primary partitions. If the number of partitions has reached the limitation, please learn how to convert primary partition to logical. However if your disk is GPT, there is no limitation for the number of partitions.
Method 1: Partition Hard Drive in Windows 10 with Disk Management Tool
Disk Management is a tool built in all Windows versions to manage hard disk partitions, such as create, delete and format partitions, change drive letter, shrink volume, extend volume and perform other disk-related tasks.

Step 1: To partition Windows 10 hard drive, let's get started from opening Disk Management Tool in Windows 10. The easiest way is to right click Start Menu and select "Disk Management".

Open Disk Management Windows 10

How to Choose a Life Partner

I recently read an article in Psychology Today called “16 Tips to Help You Pick a Good Partner‘’. What really jumped out at me was this line: “Picking the right person for the right reasons at the right time is an art form.” I cannot think of a more accurate statement in one sentence that sums up dating. With the divorce rates as high as they are, it makes sense that it takes the right person, right time and right reasons to make a fulfilling and strong relationship. I wanted to write my own:

1. Don’t make choices out of fear
So many times people either choose a partner or stay with someone in an unhappy relationship predominantly out of some kind of fear. Usually that fear is being alone but fears can vary widely from person to person. It’s often better to be alone and wait for the right person than to make a decision out of fear. Making decisions out of fear leads to confusion, anxiety and a general feeling of something being amiss.
2. Be careful of jumping into a committed relationship right off the bat
It can be tempting to jump into a committed relationship quickly when you find someone you have a fiery connection with. However, you don’t really know that person yet and you’re getting emotionally invested in someone that you don’t know much about. As time progresses, you may find out things that you really don’t like or that you’re truly not compatible with this person. Because you invested so much emotional energy quickly, this can hurt a lot more than it would have if you had taken time to get to know the person before putting your whole heart in to the relationship. When we’re in the “romantic” stages of the beginning of a relationship, we are often making choices out of lust and fantasy-like projections instead of reality and logic. It’s important to remain grounded and patient when deciding to be seriously committed to someone.

12 Tips To Prevent Kidney Problems Naturally

Our kidneys are designed such that their filtration capacity naturally declines after the age of 30-40 years. With every decade after your 30s, your kidney function is going to reduce by 10%. But, if you’re going to increase the load on your kidneys right from the beginning, your risk of developing kidney disease later in life will definitely be higher. To be on the safe side, follow these few tips and take good care of your kidneys to prevent the risk of developing kidney problems.

1. Manage diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease

In most of the cases, kidney disease is a secondary illness that results from a primary disease or condition such as diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure. Around 50% of people who have diabetes develop kidney problems and hence, it is important for people with diabetes to have regular kidney function tests. Also, people with blood pressure higher than 140/90 mm Hg, need periodic medical advice and regular monitoring to reduce the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Therefore, controlling sugar levels, cholesterol and blood pressure by following a healthy diet, exercise regimen and medication guidelines  followed by an annual health check-up is good for all those above 40 years of age to keep kidney disease at bay.

2. Reduce the intake of salt

Salt increases the amount of sodium in diet. It not only increases blood pressure but also triggers the formation of kidney stones. Hence, it is a good idea to lower your intake of salt and restricting it to five-six grams of salt per day, which accounts to one teaspoon, is beneficial. In general, it is good to limit the amount of processed and restaurant food and eat home cooked food with clean and fresh ingredients.

How To Create Online Dating Profile and Make It Stand Out

Creating an online dating profile can be scary. After all, it's not always easy to big yourself up without sounding conceited or (even worse) desperate. So, we've spoken to the experts to get their top tips on making your online dating profile work for you.
 Did you know that one in three couples now find love online? In this fast-paced, social media-dependent world, we rely on the Internet for everything - from keeping in touch with old school friends and career networking to ordering takeaways and finding a cat-sitter for that weekend away. So, it seems logical you would use the good old Internet for finding that special someone, too.
That said, the world of online dating can be daunting if you've never tried it before, so here are our top tips for making the most of your profile and spotting a great potential partner.

1. Ask your friends for help: Get a friend to help you write your profile. Sometimes they know you better than you know yourself.
2. Avoid clichés: Even if you do like “walking on the beach” or “drinking wine in front of a roaring fire” leave it out – everyone says that. Think of something interesting that could be a conversation starter.
3. List sociable hobbies: ‘People have to imagine how they’ll fit into your life, so describing yourself as a “bookworm and internet addict” makes them feel they’d never see you,’ explains’s relationship expert Kate Taylor. ‘Play up your love of anything sporty, outdoorsy or public like concerts and exhibitions.'
4. Choose action shots: Wouldn't you know, profile photos that demonstrate you playing your guitar or downhill skiing  even if your face isn’t showing  get more messages.

How to Write a Formal Email

If you're used to using email to catch up with friends, writing a formal Email might feel pretty foreign to you. It's not quite the same as writing a business letter, but it's definitely a huge step in that direction. Clarity, conciseness and being correct are the keys! To write a formal email, follow these guidelines.
1. Use a neutral Email address
 Your Email address should be a variation of your real name, not a username or nickname. Use periods, hyphens, or underscores to secure an e-mail address that's just your name, without extra numbers or letters, if you can.
  • Never use an unprofessional email address. No one will take you seriously if your reply-to is joke name or inappropriate name.
2. Use a short and accurate subject header
  Avoid saying too much in the subject header, but make sure it reflects the content of your Email to a person unfamiliar with you. If possible, include a keyword that will make the Email content easier to remember and/or search for in a crowded inbox. For example, “Meeting on March 12th” is specific enough that the email topic won’t be mistaken for anything else but not so specific as to be distracting (ex. “Schedule, Guest List, Lunch Requests, and Meeting Overview for March 12th"). 

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

A job interview is one of the most drawn-out and intimidating ways of making first impression. However, it’s also your opportunity to get on an employer’s good side, which can give you a distinct edge over even those applicants whose credentials are better than yours. To prepare for a job interview, use these pointers.

1. Research the company's profile and background
  Start by looking into their future goals and plans. Conducting the interview with this in mind will make you seem like a good long-term investment. You should also be ready to talk in depth about the industry, the organization, and the position you are applying for.
  • Learn your interviewer’s name and job position before going to the interview. You may need to call the company to find out.
  • Talk to current employees. Show initiative while getting a feel for the office environment. Learn as much as you can about the company from people who work there.
  • Know as much about the company as possible. You can't change your employment history or your qualifications, but you can work harder than every other applicant by being supremely knowledgeable about the company. Use the company's website, their annual report, and newspaper/business magazine articles to gather as much information as possible.

How to Mentally Prepare for a Speech With 9 Steps

 Proper preparation prevents presentation predicaments.
Speech preparation is the most important element to a successful presentation, and also the best way to reduce nervousness and combat fear.
The Speech Preparation Series is a series of articles examining each of the six steps which are necessary to properly prepare for a speech.
These steps are briefly introduced here, and investigated in more depth in later articles:

1. Select a speech topic

This may seem like an easy task, but there are infinite public speaking topics. How do you choose the right one? How do you select a topic which is a perfect fit between you and your audience?
Your topic leads to your core message  the entire presentation aims to deliver this core message to your audience.
The second article in this series focuses on selecting a speech topic.

The Ways to Become a Better Leader Right Now

Good leaders must be good role models, knowledgeable in their fields, and worthy of respect. There are many ways to lead, whether it's by taking on a leadership role at work, or being the captain of your sports team. Here are some tips to help you excel as a leader in any situation in life.

A. Leadership in a Business Environment

  1. Be a good role model
      To earn respect, it's important to show that you know your stuff. People will respect and listen to you, if they know you are knowledgeable in your field.
    • Discuss your experience. Without showing off, let your employees understand how long you've been in the business and what you have achieved while you were there. Not only will they have a better understanding of why you're sitting in the boss' chair, but they'll be more excited to be a part of your team and will admire you.
    • Act professionally. Though you may be the boss, you should still be cordial to all of your employees. You should also still meet the basic standards of professionalism such as; dressing appropriately, coming to work and meetings on time, and communicating in a professional manner.
  2. Be clear about your rules and expectations
      Whether you're the CEO of a company or the manager of a team of four people, it's important to make your expectations "crystal" clear from the beginning.
    • Have a code of conduct or a rule book that you can point to which shows employees how to act.
    • If you're working on a project, your goals and expectations should be clear from the beginning. Then your employees will be more motivated and not confused. It is preferable to have your goals down in written form.
    • Don't change your instructions in the middle of a project. Though some adjustments in the workplace are necessary, it's important to not only be clear about your expectations, but to also be consistent. If you change your mind about what you want halfway through a meeting, your employees may not take you seriously, or they might be frustrated.
  3. Leave room for input
      Though it's important to be firm, you should still leave some room for the considerations of others. This way you won't look like a dictator. Also, there's a lot you can learn from your employees, which might help your business thrive.
    • Ask for feedback. It's important to ask for feedback after you've wrapped up a project, set up guidelines during a meeting, or you have thrown a charity event. You can do this without scaring your employees. Simply ask through email, or send an anonymous survey to them.
    • Ask for opinions in a face-to-face situations. At the end of a meeting, you can casually ask if people have any questions or opinions. This will give your employees time to consider what they're working on. You may also pull individual employees aside, or invite them to your office, to discuss the project further. Tell them that their perspective is crucial to your success.
  4. Reward employees for good behavior
     To be a good leader, you need to maintain high team morale, and to motivate employees to achieve their goals in a timely manner. Also, make your rewards desirable and fun!
    • Have a monthly team dinner to celebrate a completed goal. This will be, not only delicious, but a fun way to bond with your colleagues and to motivate them to achieve goals in a timely manner.
    • Give individual "shout outs" when necessary. If one of your employees accomplished something incredible, there's no harm in announcing his or her achievements through an email or at a meeting. Though this may make him or her blush, he or she will see that you're paying attention to his or her hard work.
    • Reward your hard workers with prizes. A prize, whether it's the latest technological gadget or just a pair of free movie tickets, can give your employees the incentive they need to work hard, and will make them think you're a cool boss.

Friday, May 6, 2016

11 Ways to Make Money Online Without a Website

Creating a website and making traffic to earn advertising revenue may be a proved  way to earn cash online. However, for people who don't want the trouble of creating or maintaining an internet site, there are ways in which to make significant amounts of cash on-line while not one. This article covers a couple of of the more common ways in which of doing this.

1. Teach online classes

Certain websites permit consummate or knowledgable individuals to record lessons that others will pay to look at. The teachers then will participate in forums to help their students through tough elements of the content. Doing this not only permit you to share your skills with different individuals, but conjointly earns a steady stream of financial gain if many people participate in your class.
 Sell your hand-made goods on-line
People love buying attention-grabbing crafts and hand-made objects. Online stores like Etsy permit artistic and foxy individuals to build cash by merchandising their merchandise. Be sure to enter the marketplace with one thing that differentiates your product from different offerings already accessible on the positioning.
Sell your skills. There are a range of web sites that connect trained people with folks in would like of these skills. Whether you square measure a graphic designer, lawyer, or translator, you can notice somebody willing to pay you an affordable amount for your work. Try searching for "freelance work online" and check up on the first few results.

How to Make Money With Amazon: 10 Tips

Let's face it, Amazon is brilliant at making it unbelievably straightforward for you to create an acquisition. This is especially true with their one-click purchasing via their mobile app, and their tempting free shipping offers. Wouldn't it be nice, for a change, if you could find out how to create them pay you on a regular basis? Here area unit six ways that to make the online retail giant do exactly that.

1. Join the Amazon Affiliate Program

If you own a website, blog, or even moderate a discussion group, you have the opportunity to join the Amazon Associates program and earn revenue by directing visitors to Amazon merchandise. Depending on the product, you'll earn anywhere from 4%–10% if the click results in a qualifying sale. It works by Amazon giving you a unique referral url that you simply post on your website or blog. Then when someone clicks on the embedded address, the referral is tracked, and results in you getting paid if it ends during a purchase.

How To Make Money on eBay

If you're looking to herald some extra cash or maybe start a replacement career, selling on eBay could be the answer you're looking for. There's money to be made by becoming part of the eBay seller community. Put in a little time reading the steps below, and that investment could pay off for you during a big method.

An online market, eBay, is one of the most popular online market that there area unit lots of merchandise.

There is a lot of money to be made as a marketer on eBay. Thousands and thousands of sales are made each day, resulting in a lot of income for a lot of sellers. And there is still room for you if you want to induce involved whether or not you want to earn some part time cash or set up a whole new full time business on the side.

But where do you get your stock from? how do you get started? and how can you build a business that gives you Power-seller status?

It’s easy work to get started earning money on eBay. Once you’ve signed up for your free account the best way to get a feel for what selling is like is to auctioneer some of your personal items that you just no longer want. If you are going to start buying stock to resell, you’ll do better by getting some basic marketing experience first.

How to earn money with a Facebook Pages

If you follow this basic formula, you should make money with Facebook. It has more than 1.5 billion visitors a month or 18 billion a year, so this will work really well.

Facebook has an advertising platform that enables you to send in highly targeted traffic. You can group your target market in terms of interests, online behaviors, age, children or no children etc.

And marketing is regarding finding interested prospects, directing them to your product, and helping them make the purchase.

1. Make great posts

The foundation of any successful plan to make money with social media is good content, and lots of it. On Facebook, that means a stream of interesting links, images, and updates every day.
  •  Search for a niche and fill it with quality content. It doesn't have to be a niche nobody else is filling, but it should be specific enough that it's clear to the casual observer. For example, maybe you'll post content for cat lovers, mothers, or people with a certain political affiliation. If you plan to market a product with your account, be sure to link the product to your posts in some way.
  • Consider opening up another Facebook account and keeping it separate from your personal account. Use this account for your posts, and link them on your personal Facebook account to let people know about them. Depending on the approaches you use, you might even consider using multiple extra accounts. NOTE: Facebook will not allow multiple accounts using a similar email and/or number. You may even get a request to verify a new facebook account through a code texted to your phone.
  • Give it time. Let your account build up interest over time by continuing to provide fresh and relevant content every day.
2. Make a commitment to earn

How To Make Money Online With Ads Like Facebook

Facebook isn't a secret money pile just waiting to be found, but it can be a reliable source of extra income with some work and a clever approach. Read the steps below to learn how to make money using Facebook.

One of the most popular and least successful models I see in new business plans for startups is the so-called Facebook model, providing free services to users while collecting revenue from ads to offset costs and grow the business. To make this work, you need heavy traffic on your site probably at least a million page views per month which most sites never achieve in their lifetimes.

That’s an especially tough challenge in your first year or two of operation, even if you use every technique illustrious to get traffic flowing. While you are doing all this work, of course, you need deep pockets to fund all your efforts, content and growing website hosting fees. When Facebook did it a few years ago, the company used more than $100 million in venture capital funding before it became profitable.

How To Avoid Communicable Diseases

Everything from food to water can lead to serious health problems in the Monsoons. Communicable diseases like malaria, flu, cold, diarrhea, food and water infections and typhoid area unit rampant.

However, these 10 tips for good health will keep you and your family healthy and safe.

Infection is defined as the entry Associate in Nursingd an increase in number of an infectious agent in the tissue of a host (in this case, you). If those infectious agents cause harm to the host (by making you sick), then the infection can manifest signs and symptoms. If the infectious disease can be transmitted either directly or indirectly from one person to another, then it is called a communicable disease or infectious disease. You can limit your exposure to these diseases by taking precautions, and using self-help strategies.

1. Wash your hands before and after contact with an infected person

In standard or universal precautions, all bodily fluids from the infected person are considered contagious. Hand washing is one of the most standard ways that you can avoid becoming infected once you have had contact with an infected person. When you rub your hands together while washing them, you remove the microorganisms that could be present. To wash your hands thoroughly:

How to write a formal essay step by step

The term "formal essay" probably makes many people think of high school or school writing classes, but formal essays have many practical uses outside the classroom. A formal essay is also a requirement in certain job applications, and may be required in sure professional reports and correspondences. Writing a formal essay requires AN understanding of how to structure the essay, how to present it on the page, and how to write in a formal writing style. A formal essay also requires a strong vocabulary, and may require some research skills. An essay may be persuasive, analytical, critical, or expository, depending on the topic and parameters of the essay. Learning how to write a strong formal essay can help you excel in your academic career and your professional career.

Brainstorm possible subjects:

Brainstorming is one of the most common methods of topic formation. It allows you to explore multiple possible topics without committing to any of them until you decide what will work best for you.

    - Set a timer. Choose a time span that will allow you to cover lots of ground, but not so large a time span that you find yourself feeling lost and aimless. Five to ten minutes is generally a good starting point.
    - Write down any ideas for topics that come back to mind. Try to come back up with as many ideas as you can, and jot them down as quickly as possible. You want to have a large list to work with.
    - When the timer goes off, review the list you've compiled. Look for any patterns or recurring themes in the subjects that you've got written down.

How to remove chest hair with 10 tips

For Men, there are no wrong reasons if you’re wanting to lose some chest hair. Despite the culture of masculinity you may have been raised in or exist inside these days many men remove or groom their body hair. As many as sixty three.6 % of them do, in fact, and that's a number that has only full-grown in recent years.  Chest hair can be easily and barefacedly removed today, by razor, wax, laser or cream, so get to your grooming.

1.Decide on your look

Shaving is the tried and true method, but there area unit degrees in its severity. You can utilize a trimmer to manage (or even, dare we say, sculpt) your growth, or use a razor and take the whole of it completely off.

   - It’s a common misconception that shaving body hair will create it grow back thicker, coarser, darker, faster, and more plentiful, but this is not the case.  Shaving cuts the hair, resulting in a blunter tip for the hair (which causes it to feel coarser), but this is not permanent and has no lasting effecting on the cyst.

2. Things are getting bushy

Thursday, May 5, 2016

6 Ways to Straighten Your Hair

To take it from a curly-haired girl, straightening thick hair to look "flowy" and light-weight is not as simple as it looks. Those who keep their thick tresses trying stunning and straight should bear a protracted process of drying and styling before it can look the manner it will once they head out the door. Thick hair requires time and patience, especially when your desired look may be a excellent pin-straight do. To top it off, thick hair usually suggests that it's significant, which can overwhelm the design that took forever to realize. In order to traumatize this issue, some have opted to, thin out, their hair and add some layers, making it less significant and easier to work with. However, even with these features, it can still be a troublesome to straighten and style as desired.

In order to seek out the most effective tips for straightening thick hair, I decided to succeed in dead set reach intent on professional Niccola Bowen, a professional hair stylist based mostly in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Having dealt with many varieties of hair (both cutting and styling), she quickly gave me some key points that can slow down on time and leave your hair trying as straight as you had hoped for.

Curls and waves are fun and exciting, but can be hard to keep neat from time to time. So if you square measure in the mood to change up your look, try straightening your hair! many people square measure reluctant to straighten their hair because they are frightened of causing injury, but with the proper instrumentation, products and techniques, you can deliver the goods an incredible straight look without destroying your hair. To straighten your hair, using either straightening irons or a hair appliance, just follow the steps below.

10 Ways to Remove Your Hair Colour

The first issue to think about when trying to get {rid of} or modification your hair colour is what colour do you wish to achieve? do you want it to be a really pale and even base for coloring your hair a pastel colour or you just have to be compelled to get rid of some unwanted red tones before coloring your hair blue. Maybe you need to induce some colour out of your hair before coloring it a a lot of natural shade. Whatever the reason, it’s important to select a method (or techniques) which will work for you.

Below is a list of methods, in no particular order, which you can use to fade or remove colour from your hair. The methods printed work with variable effectiveness and cause differing amounts of injury. Always start with the least-damaging methodology, taking into consideration the effectiveness of the methodology on the sort of dye you’ve used. You should assess the condition of your hair and do strand and sensitivity tests before proceeding with the colour removal techniques below.

1. Bleaching

When you don’t like your hair color it’s tempting to achieve straight for the bleach. Bleach is probably the most powerful colour removal methodology but in many cases it’s unnecessarily harsh.

So when should you use bleach? In my opinion, you should only elect bleach when you’ve tried several different suitable colour removal strategies. You probably understand that bleaching your hair is damaging therefore gratuitous bleaching ought to be avoided. Bleaching already lightened hair risks severe damage therefore it should be your last resort.

How to Get Rid of a Red Eye

Red eyes (or bloodshot eyes) square measure caused by enlarged blood vessels on the surface of the eyeball.
While most of the time it is a passing disorder, red eyes with more severe symptoms can be a symbol of great health problems and medical attention should be wanted in real time.
For mild cases of red eye, drops can be purchased at a pharmacy to help the appearance of the eye, however it could not ease the discomfort or pain associated with it.
Natural cures for red eye are equally effective and can be done from the comforts of your house. If you are inquisitive the way to remove red eyes, then read additional below regarding how home remedies can help you.

Have you ever looked in an exceedingly mirror and noticed that your eyes were red? whether you've been watching a pc or TV screen for too long or square measure littered with allergies, red eyes can be painful and ugly. Fortunately, there are many ways that to cut back the irritation and swelling. Eye redness can go hand-in-hand with dry eyes, so some treatments address each issues. Other problems such as infections, inflammation, ocular trauma, or a foreign body can cause redness. At those times, it is best to seek medical attention.

 1. There are many completely different kinds of eye drops, each one suggested for different circumstances. For example, if you have red eyes and wear contact lenses, a blood vessel constricting drop may not work. It wouldn't be ready to get through the lens to treat your redness.

How to Pick a Domain Name for a Blog

Sometimes your name just comes to you instantly, sometimes you would like to spend a while thinking and brainstorming the options. Spend some time researching the chances to settle on the name that fits your project well. People say that all the great domain names ar gone but that is straightforward not true.

Here are the 10 main approaches you can use to settle on a memorable domain name for your blog. Be open to all of these methods and check out to search out a balance between a catchy, brandable and descriptive name.

How to Act on a First Date For Boys

If only you knew specifically what was going to happen, then you could arrange out everything beforehand. But first dates area unit kind of like enjoying the lottery. You gotta be in it to win it, but generally you end up empty-handed. If you’re a woman, you know these variety of situations don’t continually go so smoothly. If you’re a guy, here are tips that can build the first date easier on all people. We do not wish to determine where to go. We will never tell you this, but it is true. Ask North American country what kind of place and/or food we have a tendency to like; then, pick a place like that. Do not leave it up to us to decide on. You are the man. Act like one.

Look Nice: This doesn't mean you've got to wear a dinner jacket, but you conjointly can't show up carrying nice jeans and a T-shirt. Wear a nice button down shirt (but leave the collar unbuttoned), tucked in, and can be through with a sport jacket jacket or without. If you are aiming to an upscale eating place, add maybe a tie. Don't wear dress pants. Slap on your favorite pair of jeans, as long as they're not all ripped up or lined in dirt.

Don't wear anything with unhealthy jokes on it: unhealthy jokes area unit positively a huge no-no but words on a T-shirt is more than fine, especially if it's a unique piece/vintage/not seen in most chain stores. It makes you stand out as someone WHO cares concerning their casual article of clothing and isn't just a slave to fashion labels.

Mind your manners: This is a key ingredient for a successful date. No girl likes a guy who's rude and objectionable, but don't be too formal either.

How to Act on a First Date For Women

 As cliché as it sounds, being yourself is probably the best way to ensure you not only have a good time on a first date, but also get a second date, too. That said, there are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind when hanging out with someone totally new, remember, it’s all about making a solid first impression.

There's no single age that girls begin dating. Many girls start dating in Year 6 or 7, while many others begin sooner or later. Whenever you begin dating, you can help ease those first date jitters by learning beforehand what sorts of things to say and do on your first date. Above all, simply be yourself  worthwhile boys will like you for who you really are.

If he is picking you up, wave, say hello and SMILE: This should instantly make him think "OK, she's happy. Good start."

How to Get Rid of a Cough Fast

 It’s never a fun situation when you have a persistent cough. You don’t want to be that person in a quiet room during a lecture that can’t stop breaking the silence with your hacking, or that person at the restaurant that makes people fling themselves over their plates to protect their food while you cough away. Or that person on the plane that everyone throws disgusted looks at. Coughs are just terribly uncomfortable all around, both physically and otherwise.

There are two primary types of coughs, dry and productive. A productive cough is one in which you are coughing up phlegm or mucous-this is not a cough that should be suppressed, as your body needs to rid itself of the gunk that’s in your chest/lungs. While it shouldn’t be suppressed, some of these remedies will address a productive cough by including an expectorant, or something that loosens mucous and makes it easier for the body to get rid of.

A lingering cough can make you feel absolutely miserable, and you probably want to get rid of it as fast as you can. Coughs are common side effects of colds and flu, but they also are caused by allergies, asthma, acid reflux, dry air, smoking, and even some medications. Coughs can be extremely painful and annoying, so try some of the following tips to try to get rid of that cough quickly.

1. Use honey

  Honey is an effective way to suppress a cough and soothe a sore throat. Several studies have found that honey is at least as effective at reducing cough than over-the-counter drugs, and is sometimes more effective. Honey helps coat and soothe mucus membranes. It can be very helpful right before going to bed if the cough is making it hard to sleep.
  • It's good for adults and children, but do not give honey to children under the age of 1 since it could increase the risk of infant botulism.
  • You can take the honey directly. Try 1 tablespoon every few hours while your cough persists. Another option is to add 1 tablespoon or more to a glass of warm tea with lemon.
  • Some studies suggest that honey is as effective as a cough suppressant as dextromethorphan, an ingredient commonly used in many over-the-counter cough suppressants.
Studies, such as one conducted at Penn State College of Medicine, have found that honey can work more efficiently to calm a cough than over-the-counter drugs. It is a rich demulcent, with a high viscosity and stickiness that does an incredible job of coating and soothing those irritated mucous membranes. Thanks to an enzyme added by bees when they harvest honey, it also has antibacterial properties as well, which may help shorten how long you have the cough if it is due to bacterial illness.
Note: This is an excellent alternative remedy for both kids and adults, but should never be given to children under the age of 2 years due to the risk of botulism.
You need:
-1 tablespoon of organic, raw, honey
Take 1 tablespoon of honey 1-3 times daily as needed to control coughing. Take immediately before bed if cough is disrupting your sleep. For children, you can adjust the dosing to 1 teaspoon up to one tablespoon.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

12 Easy Steps To Secure Your Website From Hackers

Making your website live is like unlocking the door to your premises with your office and safe open: Most of the people who visit your physical building will never even know that all of your data is there to discover just by walking in. Occasionally you will find someone with malicious intent who will walk in and steal your data. That is why you have locks on doors and safes.

Your website is just the same, except that you will never see anyone come in unless you have protection systems in place. Electronic thieves are invisible and fast., searching for your website for details of customers’ accounts, especially for their credit card information. You have a legal obligation to protect this data from theft and to report security breaches that occur.
Theft is not the only thing on the mind of a hacker: Sheer destruction is a major motivator. Hackers may want to destroy all your records, put a sick message on your customers’ screens or just destroy your reputation.

You can never undo the damage done by a hacker, you can take steps to prevent it. Even the most basic protection will discourage many hackers enough to make them go looking for easier pickings elsewhere. Thieves are likelier to steal from people who leave their doors unlocked.
You may not think your site has anything worth being hacked for, but websites are compromised all the time. The majority of website security breaches are not to steal your data or deface your website, but instead attempts to use your server as an email relay for spam, or to setup a temporary web server, normally to serve files of an illegal nature.

Hacking is regularly performed by automated scripts written to scour the Internet in an attempt to exploit known website security issues in software. Here are our top 10 tips to help keep you and your site safe online.
1. Stay updated: You need to stay up to date with hacking threats. If you have at least a basic knowledge of what is possible then you can protect your website against it. Follow updates at a tech site such as The Hacker News. Use the information you gain to put fresh precautions in place when necessary.
2. Toughen up access control: The admin level of your website is an easy way into everything you do not want a hacker to see. Enforce user names and passwords that can not be guessed. Change the default database prefix from “wp6” to something random and harder to guess. Limit the number of login attempts within a certain time, even with password resets, because email accounts can be hacked as well. Never send login details by email, in case an unauthorized user has gained access to the account.
3. Update everything: Updates cost software companies money. They only do it when necessary, yet many people who use the software do not install updates immediately. If the reason behind the update is a security vulnerability, delaying an update exposes you to attack in the interim period. Hackers can scan thousands of websites an hour looking for vulnerabilities that will allow them to break in. They network like crazy, so if one hacker knows how to get into a program then hundreds of hackers will know as well.

How To Prevent Cancer Esophageal With 6 Tips

You already know that living a healthy lifestyle offers a number of benefits — you feel great, enjoy good health, and have plenty of energy. But taking good care of your body and eating a healthy diet has another benefit that you might not be aware of: you can help reduce your risk of esophageal cancer. Many times, cancer simply isn't preventable. But in the instance of esophageal cancer, there are a lot of things you can do to help reduce your risk.

Why Reducing Your Risk for Esophageal Cancer Is So Important

Esophageal cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancers, so it's important to do what you can to prevent it from affecting you. Esophageal cancer is often diagnosed at advanced stages, when the cancer has already spread into other parts of the body  making treatment difficult and the prognosis poor. Symptoms typically don't appear until late stages, and many people aren't regularly screened for esophageal cancer unless there's a strong likelihood that they’ll develop the disease.

"We have found a definite correlation between squamous cell esophageal cancer and smoking and drinking, so experts tell people 'don't smoke, and limit your amount of alcohol intake,'" says Wayne Hofstetter, MD, associate professor and director of the esophageal program at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Tex. "Adenocarcinoma (the other common type of esophageal cancer) risk factors include smoking, being overweight, having reflux diseases and hiatal hernia,  those things can lead to Barrett's esophagus (a sometimes pre-cancerous condition)."

9 Tips to Prevent Colon Cancer

Colon cancer doesn’t get the same attention as some higher-profile cancers, but it should. It’s the third most common cancer in the United States, with 140,000 people diagnosed each year. And over a million men and women live with a history of the disease.
Then there’s the good news about colon cancer: It can be prevented. Seventy-five percent of all cases could be avoided by things you can do.
Use these eight tips as a guide to lowering your risk. Start with one or two and build from there. It’s your health. Take control.


How to Get Rid of Diarrhea Fast

Diarrhea occurs when the digestive system is not functioning properly, resulting in frequent loose or watery stools, three or more times a day.
The main causes of diarrhea are viral infections, bacterial infections, consumption of contaminated food and water, anxiety, food intolerances, and intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Diarrhea can be accompanied by symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and may cause complications like dehydration.
It usually takes two to four days for diarrhea and its accompanying symptoms to disappear completely, depending upon the intensity of the problem.
You can combat diarrhea with a variety of natural, home remedies to fight the infection as well as provide relief from the symptoms.

1. Yogurt

Yogurt, especially the one with live bacterial cultures such as lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium is a great home remedy for diarrhea.
These live cultures help restore the ‘good’ bacteria in your intestine and destroy the ‘bad’ bacteria causing the diarrhea.
In a 2009 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that probiotics can help reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea
Just two bowls of yogurt a day can produce noticeable relief. Add or eat a banana with your yogurt for added benefits.
What You Need:
  • Yogurt
  • Banana (Other fruit)
Do remember that in purchasing the yogurt inside the store, it might be best to look for yogurt that is not pre flavored since this will work better against diarrhea. It can be mixed in with fruits like a banana to make it taste better.

How to Partition a Hard Drive in Windows 8 and 8.1

 Hi guy, this text can really help you to create partition Hard Drive in windows 8 and 8.1

Why we need to partition a Windows 8 or 8.1 hard drive? On the one hand, it is for data safety - if your Windows 8/8.1 hard drive only has one partition including Windows, boot files, programs, documents, photos and so on, when there is something wrong with your system, all data on the partition may be lost. On the other, hard drive partitioning can make full use of disk space and will be more convenient for us to assort different kinds of files and documents, and make our computer run smoothly.
1. Only one partition on the hard drive.
If there is only one partition on the hard drive, you need to divide more partitions for difference uses and data safety. You may assign one as the system partition and the others as data partitions. This could improve the performance of your computer and make you manage your files in a more efficient way.
2. A new hard drive.
Imagine that you just purchased a new hard drive, There is no doubt that the first thing you need to do is to create several individual partitions and store different data. Partitioning in Windows 8 or 8.1 must be easy to achieve with the partitiion software. That'll guarantee you the good perforemance of your computer in the future. Also, for further use, the conversion between FAT32 and NTFS must be completely safe.

How to Install Computer Hardware

Installing computer hardware may seem to be a difficult task but once you know what to do it will be very easy process. Everyone can do it with a little bit of patience and knowledge. Follow the steps listed in this hub and you will be well on your way to upgrading your own computer, replacing faulty components and even building your own computer! Components covered in this hub are the processor, RAM, graphics card and a basic PCI card.
Before we start a few things to keep in mind are to never stand on carpet in sock feet while working on a computer as to reduce the risk of static shock, of course don't have any liquids nearby any open computer case. Also don't force anything when installing any components, if components seem like they are taking excessive force to fit make sure you're installing them in the right slot and that all necessary pins/connectors are lined up.

What you'll need

1.) a non-magnetic star screwdriver
2.) an anti-static wrist strap, if you don't have one of these just remember to touch the chassis or computer frame now and again to keep static electricity drained from your body.
The first order of business is to open up your computer case. Most cases will open up by way of a side panel. To release this panel you'll have to unfasten two screws found at the back of your computer and with a push the side panel should pop right off. Be sure to have unplugged your computer from any power sources before opening it up.

How to Ask a Woman on a Date

Don’t assume she knows what “let’s grab a drink” means. Nearly 70 percent of single people have been confused about whether an outing was a date or not, a recent report finds. 
According to the survey, which was commissioned by ChristianMingle and JDate, men are just as bewildered as women when it comes to classifying dates. That’s a little strange, since guys usually initiate the rendezvous, says April Masini, author of Date Out of Your League.

But here’s why: Many men are purposefully vague when asking a woman out to avoid getting shot down, Masini says. While it’s tempting to try to dodge rejection, if the woman doesn’t know you’re into her romantically, you could get stuck in the friend zone, says Masini. 
She’ll admire your confidence if you make your intentions clear. Follow these steps to increase the chances she’ll say yes.

“When you schedule a date several days away, you show her that she's special and you respect her time,” Masini says. Ask her out about a week in advance, or longer if you're planning something big like a concert or an all-day hike. If she says she’s busy that day, simply ask her to suggest a better time.

1. Pretend It’s 1999 
Two words: Call. Her. Half of the women in the new survey said that texting made it harder for them to figure out if a date was a date, and 85 percent said they would rather have a guy call them to ask them out. Bonus: She loves hearing your voice, and she'll think it's sexy that you took the time to pick up the phone, Masini says.

How to Date Online Successfully

According to a recent survey done by, most people are starting to get comfortable with online dating. However, some minor mistakes are still what keeps people from meeting the person they so badly deserve. Online dating can be fun and easy if you know the tricks of the trade. Read these helpful dating tips and you could be the busiest person on the block in no time.

1. Self-Evaluate. Be honest with yourself about the kind of person you're looking for. Don't settle; however, understand that the saying you can't judge a book by its cover can be very true. If you can't find anyone interesting in the current profiles, understand that new ones appear daily on popular sites.  
2, Advertise. Put up several recent photographs of yourself  in both indoor and outdoor light, also a variety of full body shots as well as close ups of your face. Do not put the classic "Myspace angle" photos or any glamour pictures. If posting a photo online makes you uneasy consider using a private photo sharing service such as Using the 'teaser image' feature you can modify your photo to give an idea of what you look like without someone being able to actually identify you. You can show your original photo to someone after you screen them and decide that you are interested.

How To Prepare For an Online Job Interview

As more employers embrace video and Web-based technologies to conduct screening interviews with prospective job candidates, it becomes increasingly important for you to be prepared as you begin your job-search.  This article covers tips for how to prepare for your interview, how to succeed in your interview, and what to do after the interview.

Before Your Video/Web Interview

1. Determine the Best Hardware to Use
  If you’re lucky enough to have multiple devices (such as a computer, tablet, smart phone), choose the one you are most comfortable with  and the one with the most reliable technology. If necessary, invest in purchasing  or borrowing  the best technology to use for the interview.   
2. Select the Proper Location for the Interview
 The ideal scenario for your interview location is a secluded room in which you can shut out distractions (and noises), control the lighting, and display a generic background. Ideally, you’ll want to have some diffused lighting so as not to create shadows or glare and a plain wall as your backdrop. You should also have a location in which you can be seen on camera from about the waist up  not just your face.

11 Tips to Prepare for Online Dating

Online dating sites see a big surge of new members signing up at the beginning of the year. Whether you vowed to make love a priority in 2013 or your relationship ran its course over the holidays, you’ll be in fine company with other singles looking for love online this year.
Gone are the days where only tech enthusiasts and socially challenged singles were hanging their digital hats on dating sites. Celebrities are creating online dating profiles and children are now signing up their parents for Internet dating. If your friends are no longer setting you up, it’s time to take matters into your own hands. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 102 million singles in the United States. Over 40 million singles in the U.S. have tried online dating to find a love connection. The numbers are staggering.
So without further digital ado, here are 11 dating tips to help you find love online in 2015:
1. Be authentic
  Post some of your favorite photos from Facebook to your online dating profile. (Check out these tips for taking a perfect pic every time). Dating sites now make it easy to link to your Facebook account to grab recent pictures. Discard any photos that are over two years old and please don’t lie about your weight, height, and age. Seeing a frown on your date’s face if he or she doesn't recognize you when you arrive isn’t a good experience for either of you.

How to Become the Type of Woman Men Fight for Online

Your phone lights up. Your online dating inbox has a new message. For a split second, you have hope. Maybe this message will be different than all the others. Maybe you will even find this man attractive. Perhaps this email will finally be the one that doesn’t have you contemplating the potential rise in serial killers populating your neighborhood.
You open your inbox. Unattractive pictures. A profile written on a third grade level. And a message that seals the deal on the trifecta of feeling hopeless: “Wussup babe. You have the most beautiful brown eyes I ever seen. Wanna chat?” You log off, wondering if online dating was ever a good idea to begin with.
If this sounds familiar, don’t get too down on your luck. The world of online dating is filled with the good, the bad and the downright ugly when it comes to suitors. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have control over your fate. Much of your destiny online depends on the quality of your online dating profile.
Sub-standard profiles will attract any man. Great profiles will attract the best men. Well, its time to become the best. With a bit of hard work and training, anyone can create a profile that will stand out from the competition and attract the right people. In this post, I am going to teach you a few steps to help make this happen. It’s time to stop getting passed over and start getting noticed.
1. The photo gallery is the gateway.
I hate to start this list on a shallow note, but no matter how amazing the written portion of your profile is, if the pictures are not up to par, the majority of men will never even read it. Sad, but true. This doesn’t mean you have to be above-average in the looks department. All it means is you have to present yourself well. Make a calculated effort to post pictures that are both flattering to your particular look while also revealing the best aspects of your personality.

Monday, May 2, 2016

6 Tips How to Make Sharp Nose Naturally

How to make sharp nose without surgery is not easy because it takes time and is not a quick process. But it does not mean that you won't have a sharp nose in a natural way, if you focus and routinely perform natural treatments for shaping nose for sure the results will be good. The type of treatment is not the same as the way to overcome oily skin, because this process doesn't use some sort of mask or other cream.
Sharp Nose has a special attraction in the eyes of everyone, without exception men and women Because having beautiful shape nose can make you look more perfect. If since you were born with a pug nose, actually you can change your pug sharp nose.
Don't be tempted when hear the word 'fast' because of all the things  are wanted definitely takes the process and patience, so natural tips for following shaping nose really requires substantial time, but as time goes by and you routinely perform recommended maintenance to make the nose look sharp, possible positive result, which is a more pointy nose.
Although these tips need long time, but still tend to be safe without any harmful side effects because of the following methods shaping nose not wearing chemicals or creamy various beauty products.
1. Start by pinching  the nose using a 'thumb' and 'finger' slowly, then lifted slightly upward. Do this treatment approximately 4-5 minutes each day that increasingly sharp nose by itself. This method is also suitable for large hollow sharp nose.

How to Have a Smooth Face With 7 Tips

At birth, our skin, especially that on our face is smooth, soft and flawless just like silk but over the years this changes. Many factors such as poor diet, stress, summer heat, cold winter air, cosmetics, environmental pollutants and many others start to make our skin rough. If you, like many people, suffer from this rough skin, you are in luck because there are several simple things you can do to help regain the smooth skin on your face.

1. Apply Lemon, Honey and Olive Oil Face Mask

Honey works as both a skin cleanser and an anti-inflammatory because it fights damage to your skin and its antioxidants reduce any signs of aging. The lemon has plenty of vitamin C as well as other nutrients that can help skin problems in addition to giving a glow, reducing dark spots and lightening your skin. Women in ancient times used olive oil to help get beautiful skin as this ingredient can give a glow and help with elasticity.
To make the facemask take equal amounts of the olive oil, honey and lemon and then apply it with a cotton ball. Leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm water or leave it on overnight rinsing it off in the morning.

6 Simple Ways to Prevent Air Pollution

Smog now darkens the sky in cities the world over, and the air we all breathe is increasingly contaminated with particulate matter and carbon monoxide. These pollutants are hazardous to human and environmental health. So how can you personally clean up the air? You might be surprised to learn how much your efforts can help. See Step 1 to learn actions you can take to reduce your contribution.
1. Question car culture
  Industrial manufacturing practices are the primary reason the earth's air is polluted, but car-related pollution is the next biggest culprit. The manufacturing of cars and roads, the production of fuel, and the emissions that result from burning that fuel all play a part.Since many cities are laid out in such a way that driving is almost a necessity, it can be hard to determine the best way to combat this problem. No matter where you live, you can take action by finding creative ways to be less dependent on cars. It may not be practical to give up your car entirely, but you can still take action by reducing your use of your car. For example, instead of driving to the grocery store every other day, make one trip every week or week and a half, stocking up on everything you need all at once.  Carpooling with your neighbors or signing up for a car share program are also great ways to reduce your car use.
2. Take the bus, subway or train
  If you live in New York City you're probably already used to taking mass transit wherever you go, but big cities aren't the only places that offer public transportation. Get familiar with your city or town's bus or train routes, and start replacing your car commute with a bus trip at least once a week. Work up to using public transportation as often as possible, only using your car when you can't figure out a good alternative. Taking a bus or train to work, school or any other activity has a lot of advantages. Aside from doing your part to reduce air pollution, you'll have extra time to read, knit, do crosswords, or people watch. Taking public transportation is also safer than driving, and will probably help reduce your anxiety level since you won't have to deal with rush hour traffic.

15 Ways to Eliminate Stress From Your Life

Relax. You deserve it, it's good for you, and it takes less time than you think.
You don't need a spa weekend or a retreat. Each of these stress-relieving tips can get you from OMG to om in less than 15 minutes.

1. Meditate

A few minutes of practice per day can help ease anxiety. “Research suggests that daily meditation may alter the brain’s neural pathways, making you more resilient to stress,” says psychologist Robbie Maller Hartman, PhD, a Chicago health and wellness coach.
It's simple. Sit up straight with both feet on the floor. Close your eyes. Focus your attention on reciting -- out loud or silently -- a positive mantra such as “I feel at peace” or “I love myself.” Place one hand on your belly to sync the mantra with your breaths. Let any distracting thoughts float by like clouds.

2. Breathe Deeply

Take a 5-minute break and focus on your breathing. Sit up straight, eyes closed, with a hand on your belly. Slowly inhale through your nose, feeling the breath start in your abdomen and work its way to the top of your head. Reverse the process as you exhale through your mouth.
“Deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure,” psychologist Judith Tutin, PhD, says. She's a certified life coach in Rome, GA.

10 Natural Home Remedies for Headaches

In a world of deadlines, late nights, irksome bosses, traffic jams, skimpy sleep schedules and constantly being on the move - we all deal with splitting headaches every now and then. Missing your quintessential cup of coffee in the morning or skipping lunch because of a meeting gets your head pounding, right? So when you're really having a bad day and it culminates to a severe migraine, what then?

The easy way out is of course to pop a painkiller, maybe even indulge in acupressure, sip on some chamomile tea. And we're willing to do just about anything to get rid of that pounding headache. Lucky for you, we've compiled a list of 10 natural home remedies that will zap the pain from your debilitating headache. It's true, your search for the best headache cure ends here. 

"Headaches are characterised by a feeling of tenseness in the neck, shoulder and scalp whereas migraines are basically pulsating headaches, often on one side of the head. Symptoms actually vary from person to person, and even from one migraine attack to the next," says Dr. Supriya Bali, Internal Medicine, Max Hospitals.
It is essential that you avoid headache-inducing substances like MSG (monosodium glutamate), excessive caffeine, alcohol, phenylethylamine found in chocolate and cheese, tyramine found in nuts and fermented meats and soy, and aspartame present in many artificially sweetened foods. If you start getting a headache, steer clear of all devices including your phone, laptop and TV. Eat healthy, and at regular intervals since a drop in blood sugar can set the stage for headaches. At least thrice a week, if not more, spend 30 minutes exercising. And always, we mean always, stay hydrated.

1. Ginger, The All-Rounder

Touted as an elixir for headaches, ginger is a home remedy for instant relief. It helps reduce inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, hence easing the pain. And since it stimulates digestion, it also helps quell the nausea which occurs during migraines.
Wondering how to use this miracle ingredient? Steep ginger root for tea, or mix equal parts of ginger juice and lemon juice and drink up. You can consume this once or twice a day. You can also apply a paste of ginger powder and 2 tablespoons water on your forehead for a few minutes to provide quicker relief.

How to prevent Dermatitis

Some types of dermatitis are easier to prevent than others. Allergic and irritant contact dermatitis can be prevented by avoiding skin contact with the agents that cause the dermatitis. However, if you come into contact with an irritant, such as poison ivy, wash the exposed skin with soap and water as soon as possible. Most other types of dermatitis develop in people with sensitive skin and can be prevented only by avoiding the irritant.
If you feel you are at risk for dermatitis, consider these preventive steps:
  • Use a humidifier at home and at work to keep the air from getting too dry.
  • Wear loose-fitting, natural-fiber clothing; untreated cotton is ideal.
  • Avoid plated jewelry, especially in your ears, to prevent nickel-related rashes. Surgical steel or 14-karat gold earring posts are safer choices.
  • Don't wear a watchband that presses against your skin for long periods; the friction and sweat buildup can cause rashes.
  • Take warm, not hot, baths or showers and use mild soaps.
  • Lubricate your skin after a bath and several times during the day when possible using an unscented lotion or cream.
  • Take shorter baths or showers :limit your baths and showers to 10 to 15 minutes. And use warm, rather than hot, water. Bath oil also may be helpful.
  • Use nonsoap cleansers or gentle soaps: Choose fragrance-free nonsoap cleansers or mild soaps. Some soaps can dry your skin.
  • Dry yourself carefully:After bathing, brush your skin rapidly with the palms of your hands, or gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel.
  • Moisturize your skin:While your skin is still damp, seal in moisture with an oil or cream. Try different products to find one that works for you. Ideally, the best one for you will be safe, effective, affordable and unscented.