Monday, May 2, 2016

6 Tips How to Make Sharp Nose Naturally

How to make sharp nose without surgery is not easy because it takes time and is not a quick process. But it does not mean that you won't have a sharp nose in a natural way, if you focus and routinely perform natural treatments for shaping nose for sure the results will be good. The type of treatment is not the same as the way to overcome oily skin, because this process doesn't use some sort of mask or other cream.
Sharp Nose has a special attraction in the eyes of everyone, without exception men and women Because having beautiful shape nose can make you look more perfect. If since you were born with a pug nose, actually you can change your pug sharp nose.
Don't be tempted when hear the word 'fast' because of all the things  are wanted definitely takes the process and patience, so natural tips for following shaping nose really requires substantial time, but as time goes by and you routinely perform recommended maintenance to make the nose look sharp, possible positive result, which is a more pointy nose.
Although these tips need long time, but still tend to be safe without any harmful side effects because of the following methods shaping nose not wearing chemicals or creamy various beauty products.
1. Start by pinching  the nose using a 'thumb' and 'finger' slowly, then lifted slightly upward. Do this treatment approximately 4-5 minutes each day that increasingly sharp nose by itself. This method is also suitable for large hollow sharp nose.
2. Another way to make sharp nose naturally is by massaging base of the nose that are close to the eye, don't forget to apply some essential oils such as lavender so that the skin surface become slippery.
3. Yoga exercises also be one easy and inexpensive alternative to shape nose, with correct breathing exercises. With this technique, over time your nose will look sharp without you knowing it.
How to sit in a straight body position, and then close the right nostril using a finger nose, then breathe using the left nostril for four seconds, then exhale for 6 seconds. Perform well to nose next kiri.Jenis this exercise you can do every day for 15-20 minutes, aside useful for sharp nose, these exercises can also calm your mind. 

4. Currently, many are selling the tool nose tongs or commonly called nose up clipper. This tool is currently quite popular. In fact, these tools have also been widely sold online. Through social media, many people who offer the tool nose tongs with a price that varies, ranging from tens to hundreds of thousands. This price is an affordable price for those of you who want to have a sharp nose. Condition of use of this is straightforward, nose up you can directly clipped on the tip of the nose. So that the results obtained can be maximum, you should do so on a regular basis.
5. Massage on the face that can make the sharpen nose naturally, many beauty salons offer already professional. This way is very safe to do because it did not include dangerous substances against your nose. Massage on the face of it would make the facial skin to become firmer. In addition, massage on the nose will make your nose become more visible sharp. Although, the way it requires patience in waiting for maximum results, but still a lot of people who want to use it this way.
6. This is the easiest way Sharpen Nose Naturally you can do at home. In addition, you do not need the cost in doing this. Simply use the fingers of the hand; you can have a high nose. A simple way is to do it well so that the results can match what you want. Indeed it takes extra patience when using this way. However, the advantage of this way that is safe for your health, because it does not use substances that harm the body.
All the way to Sharpen Nose Naturally above can be your reference in determining the proper way to make your nose becomes high. Confidence in yourself will make what you want can be achieved with as best as possible. Of course, the way that you select must be in accordance with the rules of the game. Do not let you do it the wrong way. If you do it the wrong way, it can make your nose feels sore. This will interfere with your daily activities.

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