Monday, May 2, 2016

How to Have a Smooth Face With 7 Tips

At birth, our skin, especially that on our face is smooth, soft and flawless just like silk but over the years this changes. Many factors such as poor diet, stress, summer heat, cold winter air, cosmetics, environmental pollutants and many others start to make our skin rough. If you, like many people, suffer from this rough skin, you are in luck because there are several simple things you can do to help regain the smooth skin on your face.

1. Apply Lemon, Honey and Olive Oil Face Mask

Honey works as both a skin cleanser and an anti-inflammatory because it fights damage to your skin and its antioxidants reduce any signs of aging. The lemon has plenty of vitamin C as well as other nutrients that can help skin problems in addition to giving a glow, reducing dark spots and lightening your skin. Women in ancient times used olive oil to help get beautiful skin as this ingredient can give a glow and help with elasticity.
To make the facemask take equal amounts of the olive oil, honey and lemon and then apply it with a cotton ball. Leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm water or leave it on overnight rinsing it off in the morning.

2. Moisturize

Moisturizing helps the top layer of the skin retains moisture which in turn allows it to stay smooth. The best time to use a moisturizer is right after your shower as the leftover moisture from your shower will be retained as well as the added bit from the treatment. Another idea is to apply it after washing your hands and right before you go outside in cold weather.
If you have normal skin (not too oily or too dry), try a water-based moisturizer. If your skin is dry, you should use a heavier one that is oil based as this won’t evaporate as easily. People with oily skin should also opt for water-based options.

3. Remove Blemishes from Your Face

If you suffer from blemishes such as acne, you can remove them with a few simply treatments. A salicylic acid toner or gel will naturally exfoliate the skin, removing acne and preventing its formation. Benzoyl peroxide (either a spot treatment or lotion) is another great treatment for moderate to severe acne. You can also use pore cleaners or face masks, both ones already made and homemade options. If you still have problems, you can talk to your dermatologist as there are more intense treatment options available.

4. Get your coffee fix

Don't toss out the coffee grounds that brewed up your morning pot of java. A handful of moist grounds (organic is preferable) makes a fantastic facial exfoliant or all-over body scrub. Not only do the grounds physically slough off dead skin cells with remarkable finesse, but the remaining caffeine also tightens and firms pores, resulting in impossibly smooth skin. For dry skin, add 1-2 tablespoons of cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil.

5. Find appeal in peels

For an instant, couldn't-be-easier moisturizer, says Donna Maria Coles Johnson, owner of Make Your Own Cosmetics, in the January 2008 issue of Natural Health, scrape off the inner peel of a banana, apply it to your face, and then rinse off after 15 minutes.
Other fruit and vegetable peelings to try (use the inner, fleshy part): Potatoes, which can help reduce puffiness; citrus (oranges, lemons, grapefruit) for its powerful astringent properties; avocado, for plumping up your complexion; and pineapple, to brighten skin instantly.

6. Give yourself a facial massage

  Massaging your face increases circulation to your epidermis, improving the firmness of your skin while loosening muscles locked in habitual lines and wrinkles. When you're scrubbing your face, or even applying your usual toner or moisturizer, start at your chin and sweep your hands upward toward your cheeks, eye area, and forehead.

 7. Get steamed

Stave off acne with a weekly steam facial open to pores, boost circulation, and flush out toxins. All you need is a pot of water, a stove, and a towel. (If you want to get fancy, you can throw in a handful of herbs like lavender, calendula, chamomile, or thyme.)
Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and let simmer for 5-10 minutes, then place the pot on a trivet on a kitchen table or countertop. Drape the towel over your head like a tent and lean your face over the steaming pot, but not so close that you scald yourself. Hold this position for 5 minutes, then rinse your face with cool water to close your pores.


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