Sunday, May 1, 2016

Tips To Passing Any Scholarship Exam

Getting a scholarship is one topic that interest all serious minded students, you can’t help but envy that guy next door who has one or more scholarship for college while you’re paying through your nose to afford the same education he’s getting almost for free.
For the numerous types of scholarships being offered e.g. academic scholarship, Need based scholarship, sports scholarship etc. we are going to concentrate on the Academic scholarship. A lot of students we have encountered are hungry to get scholarships here and there, they actually apply for a few, write the exams but never get shortlisted as beneficiaries. On that regard, we have compiled some useful tips on how you can successfully pass this scholarships exams.

Get the Application in

The first step to getting on any scholarship is applying for it. You can’t win it if you don’t bid it! So before you can get on any scholarship you would have to do a little bit of research about the scholarships available to you, then you start sending out your applications to as many as possible, before long you will get invited or shortlisted for an exam, and with everything in place you will get your first scholarship.

Develop a winning mind-set

Don’t go to any scholarship exam and expect not come out successful, even if you have written a few and didn’t get it, you should not beat yourself over your past failures, whether it’s an international scholarship or a local scholarship, your first thought should be that you are going to succeed in it, and you most likely will. Applying for a scholarship is just the first step, if you don’t believe you can pass it, then you won’t. Don’t listen to friends who will tell you that so and so exam is difficult, if it’s so difficult how come some students still win it. It should be you.

Plan your study

Studying for a scholarship exam can really be a pain in the neck, but you really need to have this covered to stand any chance of passing the exam. We’ve seen students who are so complacent going into a scholarship exam they are scheduled to write, they don’t even carry out any study with regards such exams, depending solely on their previous knowledge. The result is; they fail to make it and end up blaming it on the exam being too difficult. So if you really want to make this exam a stroll in the park you have to plan for it carefully.
You should find a way of combining your school study with study for the scholarship you are about to write, you should know how to differentiate between the two and know that they are completely different. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that studying for school automatically covers for your scholarship exam.

Try to know exactly what you’re going to face

Don’t just get excited about going to write a scholarship exam you know nothing about, that might just be your greatest undoing. You have ask questions about the exam you are about to face. Know how the questions are asked, what they’ll look like and from what subjects they’ll be asked from. Just do a proper research before you step into that exam hall or you’ll have yourself to blame.

Use Past questions

When it comes to using past questions to study for any exam, we just can’t say enough. To really get your study pattern on track with the scholarship exam you are about to write, you need to do your best to get past questions on the exam. In most international scholarships though you might find this as a bit of a difficult task, since the scholarship organising body will do their best to shield their questions from the public, but if you ask around you will still find a few students who have written this exam before, and from them you can get an idea of what was asked.

Get some coaching

I still don’t understand why some students ignore getting some tutorials just before an important exam like a scholarship. You might have discovered that you’re not too good with a particular course/subject, I see no harm in you going to some smart students who seem to have that area covered and ask for a tutorial or coaching. It will certainly help.

Find out how many and what kind of formats the test(s) are going to be in

 There are many kinds of test including comprehension, essay, multiple choice and more. 

Test Taking Steps

  1. Study! If you know the answers already you wont have to guess that much.
  2. Look for similarities in the answers choices and eliminate wrong answers, especially during a math test.
  3. EX. If the answer choices to a question as like: A. 2X+5 B. 2X-5 C. 4x+5 D. 5X+2
  4. Eliminate answers that are different from others. D would be the first to be eliminated is completely different from the others. Next would be C because the there are more answers with 2X the 4X, leaving you with A and B.
  5. Look for other similarities in the wrong answers. In this case, the + and . All the other answers had + while B is the only one with -. Leaving you with A. (This will work 90% of the time with these type of answers )
  6. Try working backwards (works well in math). Plug the answers into the question to see if they make sense.
  7. Do the same thing with reading comprehension questions. Read the paragraph on the test. Then look at the multiple questions. Eliminate one of the answers, because at least one question on every multiple choice test, no matter what subject, is entirely wrong and has nothing to do with the paragraph itself.
  8. Eliminate that first one. Then read the paragraph again and see if there is a name of a person, in the story that is not in the paragraph you read.
  9. Know that you can usually eliminate most and remain with two possible choices. That’s when you get stuck, but if you read the words and compare them with the paragraph you can do well. Look for words like he did not go as opposed to he did go…one is negative and the other positive.

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