Saturday, April 30, 2016

How to prevent cataracts naturally

Cataracts - cloudiness in the lens of the eye - are a surprisingly common visual problem with almost everyone over the age of 65 having some degree of cataract formation.
And most people over the age of 75 will experience some visual deterioration as a result of this condition.
With an increasing ageing population, the incidence of cataracts is set to treble in the next 50 years.
This is not good news when you consider that, according to a recent article in the British Medical Journal, cataract surgery is already beyond the reach of many who need it.

However, in recent years there has been increasing evidence that cataracts can be prevented through dietary change and the use of nutritional supplements.
Far from being an inevitable consequence of ageing, it seems cataracts can often be prevented with a few simple lifestyle modifications.
The lens of the eye sits behind the pupil and focuses light onto the seeing part of the eye (the retina). The lens is composed of a transparent, jelly-like material which is rich in protein. Over time, protein in the lens may become damaged, resulting in cloudiness in the lens known as cataract.
Some cataracts are congenital (present at birth), or are related to specific trigger factors, such as steroid drug use, injury, eye surgery, or diabetes. Most cataracts, however, develop as part of the ageing process.
Until quite recently, the cause of age-related cataracts remained a mystery. It is well established that their development is related to damage caused by destructive mole-cules called free radicals.
The cloudiness induced in the lens by free radicals is similar to the change evident when an egg white is cooked. While a raw egg white is transparent, it becomes opaque when the protein within it is damaged during the cooking process.
One lifestyle factor known to increase free-radical damage is smoking. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in August shows smokers have a much greater risk of cataract formation.
The good news is that the risk can be cut by 25 per cent after stopping smoking in the long term.
Free radicals are quenched in the body by anti-oxidants such as beta-carotene, and vitamins C and E.
Theoretically, increasing our intake of anti-oxidants should help to protect our eyes from developing cataracts. The most recent study to look at this association was published last month in the Archives of Ophthalmology.
This showed that individuals taking a multi-vitamin and mineral which contained vitamin C and/or E enjoyed a 60 per cent reduction in cataract risk.
However, because cataracts develop over many years, supplementation needs to be long term to get real benefit. This study showed the benefits of taking nutrients were apparent only after ten years of supple-mentation.
A previous study, published in the Journal of Public Health in America, showed a 27 per cent reduced risk of cataracts through taking a multi-vitamin containing vitamin C and/or E for five years.
More evidence for the protective role of anti-oxidants came in a study which looked at the relationship between vitamin C intake and cataract formation.
This study, dating from 1997 and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that taking vitamin C supplements for ten years or more reduced the risk of cataracts developing by a massive 70 per cent.
While nutrient supplementation is of proven benefit in reducing cataract risk, making informed dietary choices also has a part to play.

Others 5 tips to prevent cataract are:
  1. Take a good multivitamin

     The Physicians’ Health Study of 17,744 U.S. doctors demonstrated that those taking multivitamins, especially those with high concentrations of antioxidants, had a 27 percent decreased risk of developing cataracts.

  2. Supplement with vitamins A and C

      Vitamins A and C are antioxidants that are highly concentrated in the eyes and help protect against the onslaught of free radicals, which is important if you want to prevent cataracts and promote healthy vision. The recommended daily dosages are: 5,000 IU of vitamin A (as beta-carotene) and 2,500 mg of vitamin C.

  3. Make sure you’re getting enough lutein and zeaxanthin

     A 2008 study found that older women who had the highest levels of lutein and zeaxanthin were about a third less likely to have cataracts. I recommend taking 15–30 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin daily.

  4. Take bilberry

     Bilberry acts as a vasodilator, increasing blood flow to the vasculature of the eyes, and increases tissue and capillary wall strength. In one study of 50 patients with cataracts, it stopped the progression of the cataracts in 97 percent of the cases. The recommended daily dose is a minimum of 30 mg of a bilberry extract standardized to contain 25 percent anthocyanidins.

  5. Take off your sunglasses

     There’s no doubt that excessive exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) can damage your eyes. Specficially, it can cause the conjunctiva, which covers the whites of your eyes, to thicken, thereby contributing to the development of cataracts and retinal damage. But wearing sunglasses all the time blocks wavelengths of light that not only nourish the eyes but are essential for overall good health. So let a little sun in your eyes, and make sure you’re getting your antioxidants.

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